
Fundraising Tips

Looking for more resources to help get your fundraising jump started? Look no further!

We encourage bowlers to fundraise online. It's a quick, easy way to collect donations. Go to the Register as a Bowler button and complete the form. You will be guided through the registration process. Once your transaction is complete, you will receive a confirmation email receipt with a link to your fundraising webpage.

People who edit their website to talk about why they are raising money for Big Brothers Big Sisters raised a lot more money. It only takes a few minutes to add a picture and a few words.

Email friends or share your page on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, or Twitter to ask people to support you. And don't forget about letters, phone calls, and even a bake sale. Get creative! Need more help? Give us a call! We're happy to brainstorm a few ideas with you!

Say THANK YOU! Thank your team members for their time and commitment to participate! Don’t forget to say thank you to the people who donated to you! Call or e-mail them after the event to let them know how much money your team raised and thank them for supporting local children!

You can also download our pledge sheet to collect donations. Please be sure to fill it out in full for each donation and bring it with you to the Bowl for Kids' Sake event. 

 Still trying to come up with creative and fun ways to meet (or exceed) your fundraising goals? Here are a few fun suggestions some bowlers have done to help meet their goals!  

  • Many clubs and organizations sell donuts or other snacks to raise money. And there’s a reason for that: it works! Pick a food item that folks just can't resist. No one can say no to sweet or savory treats when it's to support a good cause! Your fundraiser is sure to be a success! Pick a date and time to sell your treats.
    Make sure that you explain why you’re raising money when you’re selling the snacks to people.

  • Host a themed party! Here are just a few fun ideas this spring to inspire you - April Fools Day (April 1), National Picnic Day (April 23), Derby Day (May 2), Star Wars - May the 4th Be With You (May 4), Cindo de Mayo (May 5).

  • Make the most of your spring cleaning and organize a neighborhood tag sale. All or a portion of all proceeds can go to support your fundraising for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Dont forget too, if not everything sells, you can donate select items to the Hartsprings Foundation